Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Right Choice for Quaterback at Michigan State

The burning question around Spartan Nation is which quarterback will finally jump start the offense and finally bring this team to its potential, which appears to be Coach Dantonio's best, with a Rose Bowl not out of reach. Lately, the possibility of Coach D burning the redshirt of Damion Terry and playing him in this weekend against Youngstown State has gained a lot of momentum, reaching its peak with Coach D coming out on Tuesday stating that Terry is number 2 on his depth chart. I'd like to inform you that this cannot be the right answer to the solution. Despite Terry's video game like numbers in high school (209/309 3282yds 48td/8int) he has zero college experience. Throwing him in there with the current expectations due to his mythical scrimmage, he is essentially set up for failure. When the 75,003 (everyone but my father and I) last weekend, led by the students, was chanting "We want Terry" they are implying that he will do better than either Maxwell,Cook or O'Connor. This is where they are wrong. Think about it, would you rather rush in Terry into a situation where he may not be ready and he probably will not play entire games or would you rather go with the right pick, Andrew Maxwell who last season gave us enough offense to be in games? Andrew Maxwell has played the best so far in the two games he has received action, including his limited action last week which was definately the best of the 3 (Cooks touchdown was only 31 yard drive). He leads the QBs in throwing percentage (50.0), yards (114) and QBR (81.9) (O'Connor only has thrown 4 passes so I'm not going to count it). So I feel for the rest of the year you should ride the average consistency of Andrew Maxwell, have him hand the ball off about 45 times and ride your top 3 ranked defense to Pasadena. Use O'Connor as your backup, wish Connor Cook a happy trails out on a transfer and use Damion Terry in a redshirt starting role next season with a quality foundation set. Here ya go football fans lemme know what you think?

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